3D User Interfaces

3D User Interfaces.

3D File System Visualization

Tactile3D - Windows program that allows users to organize files and directories in a 3D space. Users get the impression of exploring a vast virtual landscape, with each directory being a new world in which they can roam around and place objects where they want (screenshot)
XCruiser - 3D file system visualizer for Linux. Lets users fly through their file system as if it were interplanetary space: directories are represented as galaxies, files are represented as planets (whose mass is determined by the file size), and symbolic links are represented as wormholes (screenshot)
FSN - Produces a 3D rendering of a file system. This was the original 3D file system navigator shown in Jurassic Park ("Hey, this is UNIX. I know this!").(screenshot)
FSV - 3D file system visualizer for Linux that is modelled after FSN. FSV lays out files and directories in 3D, geometrically representing the file system hierarchy to allow visual overview and analysis (screenshot)
TDFSB - Linux program that reads directory information and displays them as a 3D world, so users can "take a walk" through their filesystem (screenshots)
StepTree - 3D file system visualizer for Windows that extends treemaps into three dimensions. Visualizes hierarchical storage as boxes stacked on top of each other on a warehouse floor (screenshot)
3DFM - 3D file system visualizer for Linux, written with OpenGL. 3DFM organizes directories like a network, in which lines link directories with their parent directories like a spiderweb, making it easier to find directories that have many files (screenshot).
3DNA - 3D desktop environment for Windows that visualizes links to folders, files, and programs in "worlds" with different themes, i.e. undersea, chateau, loft, sci-fi base station etc. (screenshots).
3D-Space VFS - 3D file system navigator for Mac OS X that combines Launcher, Dock and Finder features with 3D drawers to provide a bird's eye view of disk contents (screenshot).

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